Apeiro provides Cloud Migration Services in moving infrastructure, data, applications and platform to the cloud.

Infrastructure Migration:
We provide services for migration of infrastructure to cloud in collaboration with leading cloud providers like Amazon, Google, Microsoft, IBM, Rackspace, HP, etc.
Data Migration:
We use a unified data migration network to ensure a standardized, repeatable and reusable platform for end to end data migrations.
Platform Migration:
We develop and migrate applications to several different platforms
Application Migration:
we use an agile process with a well-defined set of artifacts to migrate applications to the cloud. We use industry popular tools to automate the migration phases so that enterprise application migration is done right the first time, every time.
We have experience in working with multiple cloud computing platforms including Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, IBM Cloud, Rackspace, VMware, Oracle Cloud, Red Hat, DigitalOcean, CloudSigma, Hyve, Vultr, etc.