Apeiro’s Data Science and Analytics services are built on our ten plus years of IT engineering experience, to help you organize and instrument your environment to collect and manage web-scale data and develop strategies and tools to derive insights. Our dedicated development team employs the latest innovative technology solutions for our clients. We help you identify potential business use cases where data science can provide impactful results from adapting modern predictive algorithms to a distributed architecture. We have strong capabilities in

- AI (pattern recognition)
- Deep learning (the intersection of AI and machine learning)
- Data science automation
- Leveraging data from sensors (IoT)
- Turning unstructured data into structured data, and data standardization
- Blending multiple predictive models together
- Obtaining clean and combining disparate data sources to create a coherent picture for analysis
- Statistical methods to leverage data exploration that will provide critical insight into your data
- Leveraging Hadoop streaming and Apache Spark for data science pipelines
- Implementing and managing recommenders using Spark’s MLlib
- IBM Watson Data Platform